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London Fashion Photography | Gavin Conlan Essex Wedding & Portrait Photographer | www.gavinconlan.com

Nearly two weeks ago what turned out to be one of the last days of decent weather before the April showers started we decided to shoot some imagery.  We started off in Bermondsey Village then moved over to More London on the Southbank, More London is a great area near London Bridge Underground Station but unfortunately like most parts of London nowadays its private property so you need to prepare yourself for dodging security guards.  

It really does annoy me that your everyday tourist has no problems taking photographs but as soon as you pull out a bigger camera you get jumped on and made to feel like you doing something so badly wrong - I personally think these job worth security guards need to start using common sense.

Again this shoot was with the lovely Dina she's been featured once or twice before - we always have a right good old laugh shooting and we always get great results, I hope you enjoy these images.

For those that are interested in the technical side of things all these shots were taken using only available light and shot with a Nikon 50mm prime lens.

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